Board of Directors

Mr. Ehab Hassoubah has over 23 years of diversified leadership experiences in the fields of financial services, healthcare, finance, electronic payments, investment, municipal sector and housing. Mr. Hassoubah led various programs in the areas of transformation, operations, strategies, process re-engineering, and the use of advanced technologies. Among the most prominent achievements of Mr. Ehab Hassoubah recently was the leadership of the retail banking sector in a Saudi bank to achieve increased growth for several years while developing the market share to unprecedented levels, especially in the areas of real estate financing and customer deposits. Prior to that, Mr. Ehab Hassoubah was distinguished for leading transformation programs in the areas of human resources, operations and digitization with several leading facilities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Mr. Ehab Hassoubah

Chairman – Independent

Mr. Ehab Al-Dabbagh currently holds the position of advisor in the office of His Excellency the Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing. He previously held several positions in Alawwal Bank from 1994 to 2014, including General Manager of Corporate Banking Services, General Manager of Strategy and Program Management, General Manager of Retail Banking. He also worked as CEO of Ijmal Company Ltd., which specializes in investing in private equity with real estate developers since from 2014 to 2023. Mr. Ehab Al-Dabbagh also serves as a member of the Board of Directors of Bedaya Finance Company and Vice Chairman of the Board of Vision Bank, in addition to membership in the Board of Directors for a number of other companies. He also established several businesses, including a financial technology company for crowdfunding using debt instruments. Mr. Ehab Al-Dabbagh holds a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.

Mr. Ehab Al-Dabbagh

Vice Chairman – Independent

Mr. Muhammad bin Saud Al-Ghazwani is the Managing Director of Tatimah Capital. He is also a board member for several companies in the real estate sector. Mr. Al-Ghazwani has held the position of Deputy Minister for Real Estate Development for the Ministry of Housing and an advisor to the Minister of Housing, in addition to chairing the off-plan sale and rental committee. He also served as CEO for the Kingdom Dates Company.
Mr. Al-Ghazwani’s diverse background includes: incorporation, restructuring and change management, business development, and strategic planning.
Mr. Mohammad Al-Ghazwani obtained an executive MBA from Hull University in the UK, in addition to several courses in strategy and investment from both LBS and MIT universities. He also obtained CME1 and CME4 professional certificates related to the Capital Market Authority.

Mr. Mohammed Al-Ghazwani

Managing Director

Mr. Abdullah AlAnizi holds an Executive Master’s degree in Business Administration from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, and a Bachelor’s degree in Information Systems from the College of Computer and Information Sciences from King Saud University. He also holds the following specialized professional fellowships:-

  • Fellowship of American Internal Auditors (CIA).
  • Fellowship in Combating Fraud and Embezzlement (CFE).
  • Fellowship of Information Systems Auditors (CISA).
  • Fellowship in Risk Management (CRMA).

Mr. AlAnizi has more than 25 years of experience in internal audit, corporate governance, fraud control, risk management, and cyber security. He is the Group Chief of Internal Audit Officer for the Saudi Telecom Company. He is a member of several audit committees, in addition to his membership in specialized professional bodies, including the Saudi Association of Internal Auditors, the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants, and a member of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Accounting Association.

Mr. Abdullah Sayel Al-Enezi

Board Member – Independent

Mr. Ahmed Mohammed Al-Mozaini is the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hamad and Ahmed Mohammed Al-Mozaini Real Estate Company. He is also a member of the board of directors for several companies such as Integrated City Company, which is active in the field of real estate development, Economic Houses Construction Company, Saudi Nozul Company, and the Project Management Team Company. Mr. Ahmed Mohammed Al-Mozaini obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Management Information Systems from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Mr. Ahmed Al-Muzaini

Board Member

Mr. Eyad Shaqfah has around “30” years of Investment Banking & Financial Advisory experience in local, regional and international markets. Mr. Shaqfah worked on many transactions including Equity/Debt fund raising, Initial Public Offerings (IPO’s), Rights Issues (RI’s), Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A’s), Private Placements, Financial Restructuring, Feasibility Studies & Valuations. He also has a strong knowledge in financial analysis and financial reporting and accounting gaps analysis and treatment. Mr. Eyad Shaqfah is a member of Saudi Organization for Chartered and Professional Accountants (SOCPA) and a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).

Mr. Iyad Shaqfa

Board Member